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Biblos in bancarotta!

editore GIAPPONESE di Kodaka, Yamane, Takakura, etc

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  1. martina_SMO

    User deleted

    Oddio, vado a controllare. Ma sembra terribile

    Noooo ;______________;
    Non c'e' piu' il sito, al posto hanno messo questo:



    (in sostanza, il 5 aprile Biblos chiude per bancarotta, quindi e' stato deciso di chiudere tutto il sito. Ci scusiamo profondamente con tutti per aver causato sgomento per questa notizia improvvisa, grazie tante a tutti coloro che ci hanno sostenuto)

    Qui ci sarebbe un messaggio di Ayano Yamane tradotto in inglese

    Regarding the series which are currently running, the Biblos editors are out finding companies to pick up the titles so in regards to the continuation of series, these are also on hold indefinitely.

    There is no news yet of when things will begin again so I cannot say anything is for sure but, I think that it will be abou 2-3 months before things have settled down and the magazines can continue.
    I apologize for putting a hold on this series again.
    In regards to the comics (tankoubon), they will most likely be release through the new company from this point on.

    Sembra che anche la Yamane abbia sentito della news solo ieri O__o

    Questa pare essere la causa della bancarotta:
    Hekitensha, a publishing company, went bankrupt in March 31.
    Since the representative director of Hekitensha
    is the person who serves the post of representative director
    of Biblos, too, there was a rumour that also Biblos might go bankrupt.
    And it has happened.
    It is said that Hekitensha's having been operating in the red
    hurt the operation of Biblos and Biblos is liable for approximately
    two milliard yen.

    Also Hiland, a BL publisher which invested in Hekitensha,
    has filed for bankruptcy.

    Boh, di sicuro i manga di successo non avranno difficolta' a trovare nuovi editori, pero' mi chiedo che ne sara' degli altri ohmy.gif

    Edited by martina_SMO - 6/4/2006, 16:17

    E poi si deve capire che ne sara' dei manga Biblos editi in USA,,, e anche da noi
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